Looking into historical figures and local hauntings, I have come up with different ideas for the basis of the story outside of a completely fiction story.
Edward King House
The story of Edward King House has 2 ghost sightings. One of which is a woman in white connected to a skull bricked up in the walls. When removed, the building started to scream. The other story is 2 robbers went to rob the house, but decided to stop after seeing a large man with the home-owner. Years later, when confessing, the robber was informed there was no one with the owner. Both of these ghost could be potential characters for the event, as well as the old robber who could recount the event.
The Lincoln Guildhall has had many reports of different noises and hauntings in the building. By building on the stories of these narratives, I can create my own story. The already existing factors will allow me to use the location as a starting point to draw people in to the event using the true accounts.
HOME Nightclub
There is a story of a ghost of a blonde girl appearing in HOME Nightclub, as well as reports of people being called, with no identified caller. This hauling interests me as it shows a more modern case of a haunting, with a modern ghost. Being more modern, this story stands out from the rest, and may attract a younger audience, especially due to it’s night club origin.
100 years ago (1917) Harry Houdini first performed the buried alive magic trick. Using the idea of magic tricks, the ghost could be of houdini. Tis connection to history will allow for a story to be built around why there is a ghost, and basing the story on a true character will draw the audience in for them to learn more about the person.