Original Idea

The idea for the project is to build on the existing concept of the ghost walk and adapt it to further play on the idea of hauntings and ghost appearances. To do this, I plan to create a ghost-tour style installation that will follow the structure of a ghost tour; where a tour guide leads a group of people round room by room, giving them information about different hauntings and spiritual occurrences. However, to separate this experience from existing ones, during the tour, the ghosts themselves will appear as projections to the audience. This will separate them from the tour guide and audience, as they will not really be there, giving them a more ghostly feel.

These projections could be pre-recorded, creating a thoroughly scripted experience, and will make the timings essential to the overall experience. However, I have also considered live-streaming the projections. This would allow for the ‘Ghost’ characters to have a further element of interaction, as they can respond to the audience instantly, and catch the audience off guard.

Further elements of projection could also be included into the overall experience. Instead of only having projection ghosts, different forms of projections, such as moving pieces of information, or using projections to create poltergeist-esche activity could be used. This could turn the ghost tour into an overall haunted house, opening the idea up to be more inclusive of different elements.

The story for the piece will be completely fictional and written exclusively for the project. It will either be a general story or based in with the location in which the project is to be held. This would be the more ideal option, as it further connects the environment to the project, creating a more immersive experience for the audience, as the location adds to the character of the piece.

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