Pepper’s Ghost

Pepper’s Ghost is a technique used to make a spectral figure appear in a space through the use of an optical illusion. It is done by having the subject look into a room from a certain position. Looking on, there is a pain of glass, usually at a 45 degree angle, and a space behind this glass. Off to the side, there is a person standing, who cannot be seen by the on-looker. The reflection of the person is seen in the glass, and so they appear transparent in the area the on-looker can see. By lighting the areas differently, you can make the reflection appear and disappear in the eyes of the on-looker. This is an old version of projecting an image, and is used in attractions like theme parks and museums.

This technique could be used in my own work to show the development of projecting ghosts. It’s 2 room set up could also be used to hide the projector, making the ghost appear out of thin air. The places where the technique is used could be digitised with the use of projection  mapping, updating the technique to fit with modern times.

Lincoln Ghost Tour

On Saturday February 18th, I undertook the Lincoln Ghost Tour. This tour travels around some of Lincoln’s most haunted locations in it’s Cathedral quarter, including the Cathedral itself, the White Hart Hotel, and other locations. At each of these locations, the tour guide gathers the group around and tells the story that relates to the location that we are in, as well as giving a brief history of the location.

The tour draws the audience in by starting off with the origin of each story, setting the scene before moving on to explain the paranormal activity. The stories are all prefaced with who saw the ghost, before going into the story itself. Then possible history about its origin is told, rounding off the story. Some stories are also prefaced with how they have affected the tour directly, bringing them more into the real world. This draws the audience in, and creates an atmosphere for the stories, making them more spooky.

The way the story is told is an important part of creating the event. The tone and build up to the ‘punch line’ of every story is an important hook to keep the audience engaged in every story. This formula is repeated throughout the course of the tour, showing its effectiveness, as the formula works every time. A few of the stories do not relate to the location that the tour is at, however, the story is still engaging due to the tales’ delivery. The ones that are at a location incorporate it into the story. Through gestures and visual references to the locations, these stories further engage the audience then the location-less ones.


The stories in this tour can be used as inspiration for my own ghost tour, and reveals more of the stories around this haunted area. The techniques used throughout the tour can be re-created in order to give my ghost stories the same effectiveness. Some of the stories heard during this tour could also be incorporated into my event, albeit edited in there telling in order to not be a direct copy.

After the tour, I spoke with the tour guide about hosting my projection event in collaboration with the tour itself; building on their existing narrative and clientele to bring my project to as many people as possible. Health and Safety permitting, this is an idea that may be possible for my final presentation.

Tutorial Notes: Feb 13th

Look into a more historical, factual concept, as opposed to a horror concept. Use it to re-tell a story of history, and not create a new narrative. What era am I looking at? Set the scene with mies-en-scene elements and topical music.

Victorian Penny Dreadful ghost style

Examine the Pepper’s Ghost illusion, to look into different ways to display the ghost.

Death photography; Victorian. Joel Peter Witkin (modern)

RBS ‘side door’ for a location. Aroma Cafe. Keep looking for a space, but not a priority at this time.

Digital Seance/Resurrection (possible titles)

‘The Darkness’ FB Live seance

Digital etherreal

Character Ideas

Looking into historical figures and local hauntings, I have come up with different ideas for the basis of the story outside of a completely fiction story.

Edward King House

The story of Edward King House has 2 ghost sightings. One of which is a woman in white connected to a skull bricked up in the walls. When removed, the building started to scream. The other story is 2 robbers went to rob the house, but decided to stop after seeing a large man with the home-owner. Years later, when confessing, the robber was informed there was no one with the owner. Both of these ghost could be potential characters for the event, as well as the old robber who could recount the event.


The Lincoln Guildhall has had many reports of different noises and hauntings in the building. By building on the stories of these narratives, I can create my own story. The already existing factors will allow me to use the location as a starting point to draw people in to the event using the true accounts.

HOME Nightclub

There is a story of a ghost of a blonde girl appearing in HOME Nightclub, as well as reports of people being called, with no identified caller. This hauling interests me as it shows a more modern case of a haunting, with a modern ghost. Being more modern, this story stands out from the rest, and may attract a younger audience, especially due to it’s night club origin.


100 years ago (1917) Harry Houdini first performed the buried alive magic trick. Using the idea of magic tricks, the ghost could be of houdini. Tis connection to history will allow for a story to be built around why there is a ghost, and basing the story on a true character will draw the audience in for them to learn more about the person.


Story Ideas

One idea for the story is to make it completely based in fiction. This allows me the creative freedom to make the narrative myself, and control the environment that the audience experiences. By controlling the fictional story, it allows me to create a unique experience that will not be related to anything else. The freedom will also allow the actors to have more control over the experience, as there is no history in their characters. Without being bound by facts, the actors will be able to create a more natural and fluid experience for the audience. A fictional story will further make the experience unique, as the story will not be accessible anywhere else.

However, a method to further draw people in is to base the experience on a true story. Either by looking at a historical event, or by using one of Lincoln’s own ghost stories, the experience will be based on fact and work with the time and location to attract more people to the experience. Lincoln has many ghost stories, such as Edward King house’s Guardian Angel and White Woman, and one or many of these could be a strong basis for my piece. These ‘true’ hauntings will improve the audience appeal, due to the local connections, and draw more people into the event. If the locations of these hauntings can be used for the event, the connection will be further improved as well. These locations will also improve the idea of the ghosts and the hauntings even in the case of a fictional story, as there will already be the connection to the idea of the spirits and the occult.

Historical events could also be used as the basis for the story. Using real historical figures as the characters for the event will allow for the audience to communicate with a real person as if they had returned. Whilst this can be used to draw the audience in, due to the appeal of a local key figure, or famous person, portraying a historical figure my be difficult for the actor. First of all, similarities in appearance will be necessary between the actor and the character. Secondly, the actor will have to present the character in a way that is believable to the audience. And thirdly, the actor will have to be will versed in knowledge of the character, as the interaction between the audience and the actor is paramount to the performance. The actor must be prepared to answer any questions to audience may have in order to sell the complete experience.However, if this is done pre-recorded, then the actor will one need to portray the character convincingly, as all the information will be scripted.